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ProjectBee. Our mission? Saving the Bees and Love them

Bees are dying. By the millions. The reasons were not obvious until recently. But they are made by humans. Pollution, mobile phone signals and mainly pesticides and GMO crops just to mention a few. What is common among these causes that almost every one of them weakens their immune system therefore they can't fight disease and varroe mite effectively. In addition to this, GMO crops and pesticides which contain nikotinoids and other chemicals, weaken their nervous system so they either forget the location of the flowers or the hive. This results in starvation and eventually death. Because they are very conscious about their society and hive, if they feel ill they will abandon the hive for the sake of the others.

Why are they so important for the planet?

Since modern agriculture reduced the variety of crops which we use to feed and clothe our fellow man, bees pollinate at least 75% of them.  Without them these crops wouldn't be able to get pollinated. Hence without our lovely ladies no food, nor clothes.


ProjectBee is looking to save the bees, while promoting a healthy, sustainable alternative to people, who want to reconnect with nature while saving the bees. Innovation is crucial, since we would like to provide a radical way, cooperating with nature to achieve this goal using the principles of permaculture and green carbon neutral or negative building methods - hempcrete and earthship hybrid -, combined with 100% self-sustainability. The project has three main operations. First part of the operation is the recreational  resort/village where people can have the chance to stay in eco-friendly, self sustainable houses not compromising on modern comfort, and having the chance to grow their own food if they choose to do so. This includes a restaurant operation as well, using organic, self- grown and raised ingredients, using the principles of permaculture and aquaponic gardening. Second part of the operation is the sale of surplus food products and bee products, especially bee venom and mead. The main building serve as an educational center for trainings as well as the restaurant operation and a small gym for recreational purposes. The income from all operations are providing funding for the research and production of alternative technologies helping to save the bees, while we can raise awareness about the problem and promote a healthier more relaxed lifestyle, providing long term solutions to problems humanity facing right now, as the third part of the operation.


If you want to help us, please                       , or visit our               if you have a question or want to do more, 

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